Best Shows of 2013 & Music Resolutions for 2014

January is the month for new starts and reminiscing. So before the new concert season begins, here are my concert highlights from 2013. Out of the 22 shows I attended there were some winners and not-so-greats. I didn't walk out of a show this year and only left before the encore for one. That's a pretty good record! Coolest Venue - Cumberland Caverns, the PBS taping of Bluegrass Underground with Leon Russell
Best Blast from the Past - Lionel Richie He still puts on a great show and transported me back to high school.
Shows Sweet Enough to Repeat - These are the ones I saw for the 2nd (or 3rd) time. Avett Brothers, John Butler Trio, Paul McCartney.
Best Walk-On of a Nashville Local - Keith Urban at Gregg Allman
Artists attract a certain kind of crowd. A lot of the concert going experience are the people around you.
Best Audience - John Butler Trio The energy was unreal. He gave and we showed the love right back.
Best Looking Audience - Janelle Monae I felt like I should have gotten my style card revoked. The Sartorialist would have had a field day!
Most Annoying Audience - Gregg Allman From the massive amounts of flash photography, the constant chatter in the back, to the guy who yelled "Midnight Rider" after every song, it was the worst display of concert behavior at the Ryman since the Ted Nugent fiasco of 2011.
Best Festival Crowd- Bonnaroo Peace and love, ya'll!
Now the grand champions of 2013!
Best Arena Show - Justin Timberlake It was insane! Off the hook! Sick! Rad! Whatever the kids are calling things that are awesome nowadays. If you didn't make it, I'm so sorry.
Best Show at a Small Venue - John Butler Trio JBT gets my overall blessing. I love Justin, but John doesn't need millions in special effects, a moving stage, dancers, or Tom Ford Suits. He is amazingly talented and engages the audience from the moment he steps onstage and his energy stays with you long after the show is over.
My Music Resolutions for 2014
-Go to more small shows by bands I've never heard of.
-Give Beale Street Music Festival one more try.
-Glamp at Bonnaroo (no, not camping; glamping!)
What I'm looking forward to this spring..........Cher (who doesn't love Cher!), Santana, Arcade Fire, The 1975, Joe Bonamassa.
What does your musical spring look like?