Monday Inspiration - The Right Kind of People

It was a quiet weekend around the 'Ville. Time to rest and recharge. I've been feeling overwhelmed and when that happens, it's hard to be creative. I feel fortunate that I have a pretty big posse of people I can draw energy from when the tank is getting low. I'm not talking about enablers; I'm talking about people who push me to be better, encourage me, and hold me accountable.
My Monday inspiration comes to you all the way from Paris and not Paris, TN; the real one in France! Frederic Lecoq was one of my partners-in-crime in Zimbabwe. You may remember him from my Things I Learned About Nature Photography post.
He's the one on the left!
Frederic sent out a link to his new website yesterday and I was like, "Damn, Fred! This sh** is amazing!" He served me up a big piece of humble pie.
The real inspiration here is not just his photography but the fact that photography is not his day job. He's a physician! Nothing more impressive than being around someone who uses all their brain; the right, the left, and all gray matter in between. I'm sure there are parts of my brain I haven't used in decades!
There is plenty of stress, ugliness, and negativity in the world. Even if that is something you have to deal with everyday, like the stress of being a physician, you can still turn around and find plenty of beauty and joy. You just have to go look for it. It doesn't hurt to have some friends along for the journey.
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with friends who are like-minded and who are also designing purpose-filled lives. Similarly, be that kind of a friend for your friends." - Mark Twain
Gotta love me some Mark Twain!
More of Frederic's work at Frederic Lecoq.